Now the question of education of this man becomes particularly relevant. After all, how we sometimes annoying hesitation own husbands, the inability to take action, or desire to hide from problems.
But all the principles of behavior are laid in childhood! From the earliest years of life, it is important to teach the boy to be brave and resolute, so that in time it has turned out a worthy representative of the male.
How to raise a boy a man - tells a woman's site
What should I do in the education of the boys THESE MEN
1. Let the example will be men - real and imaginary
When the education of the boy's real man, the ideal would be to surround the child as possible a large number of men. This may be my father, uncle, grandfather, friends. This is especially important if the child has no father, and he brought up a single mother. In this case, it will be equal to men in their behavior.
Pay attention to how the pope communicate with their kids. What they allow, but what is firmly denied. Unlike mothers, they allow the boys a lot, do not say "there do not go, do not go here. On the contrary, even encourage curiosity sons and help overcome difficulties.
Of course, this is just an example of male behavior. Even now not all of the pope, such as improper upbringing affects single mothers and strong women who are accustomed to take everything into their hands.
Educate the boy out of this man must also be based on the books and films, where there are heroes. Only careful when choosing your home collection! Let his heroes are knights, musketeers and other characters who struggle against injustice. Modern fighters and comics are unlikely to serve as a good example.
2. Let the boy feel like a man
Child 3-4 years old boys buy more toys. These toys should not be bright. Choose calm tones, because the brightness and diversity - the fate of girls.
To a boy was a real man, its already in 5-6 years can bring to any case, for example, give a hand hammer to help the pope to hammer a nail. To teach something tinkering. Of course, under the supervision of adults. The sooner the boy will help someone out of adult men, the better. It will raise his self-esteem, the boy feels their necessity and involvement in the "male" society.
In the senior preschool and school-age boy should be brought up to respect girls: girls skip forward, to help the girls to wear heavy bags.
In adolescence, better give her son more freedom. Suppose he chooses friends and take their own decisions. So he quickly learns to be responsible for their actions and become independent.
3. Praise him
Each time a child overcome any obstacle, you should praise him, emphasizing his masculinity: "Well done! Here's how come the real men! "
Generally, you should frequently praise the boy, saying how he is strong, courageous, patient, courageous and resolute. Even when the boy only one year old, he was on the subconscious level to understand what he is courageous.
4. Be a woman!
And of course, as my mother would not want to be strong, but in the education of the boy's a real man let him not forget that it is, first of all, just a woman.
Let her son sees a kindly, gentle, loving, sometimes weak. So the boy learns to have compassion and sympathy, to be frank, to support mom and help that will help him get as a strong, confident men capable of standing up for themselves and to protect the woman.
1. Do not suppress his initiative
When the education of the boy's a real man would be wrong to suppress boyish initiatives.
Now you can often hear the voices rude mothers who literally yelling at their children: "Where have you climbed, you stupid ??!!! Who said, do not go there! Needless to howl, you're to blame! Where have you climbed? What kind of enfant terrible! "
It is clear that women worry, as if the child what had happened. But sometimes they do not show the boy's initiative, to enjoy childhood. Primarily due to the fact that it is inconvenient to Mama. After all, that the boy could not repel the abuser, to overcome difficulties and to understand why something is dangerous or that action - with him to talk! It is necessary to explain! And how convenient to sit on the bench and not be worn with the child, instead of cooperative games - chat with buddies, and if the child is naughty, just to shout or threaten. That brings up my mother and child for themselves, for their convenience, drowning in a child masculinity and independence. So grow up and not real men - weaklings yes Vitelloni.
2. Do not spoil it too
Also, in the upbringing of the boy's real man, too wrong to spoil the child and to adhere to the views of "Let my son will be something that was not me. Such parents tend themselves to solve all of the child, to deprive him of the individuality and independent living.
3. Not a son "system"
No need to raise a child "system", as some mothers. To feed, they will be strictly by the hour, put down in one and the same time, play some games. Step right, step left - "shooting". Crying child is ignored and the whims harshly suppressed. This boy grows up withdrawn, indecisive, and sometimes hates the whole female sex.
And in conclusion, I would like to say: Mom, follow the golden mean! And in the upbringing of the boy's real man, listen to our advice!
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